
New Fraud

This would be more disturbing if it wasn't so typical. I received this email the other day:

This email confirms that you have paid Amazon Inc. $270.00 USD using PayPal.

This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL Amazon*".

PayPal Shopping Cart Contents
Item Name: Canon HV10 HV-10 HDV Camcorder w/2-Lens
Quantity: 1
Total: $270.00 USD

Cart Subtotal: $250.00 USD
Shipping Charge: $20.00 USD
Cart Total: $270.00 USD

Shipping Information

Shipping Info: william n ouellette
10 ensign lane ,
massapequa , ny 11758
United States
Address Status: Unconfirmed

If you haven't authorized this charge, click the link below to cancel the payment and get a full refund.
Dispute Transaction

Thank you for using PayPal!
The PayPal Team

I am not the named person, that's not my details and I never made that purchase so I was, apparently, supposed to click the link in a panic over my account being charged $270, and then, as requested, log in and thus give some arsehole my Paypal account details. Theft would follow.

Oh, but I'm smarter than the average bear, so I simply went direct to Paypal and checked my account. No $270 is pending. Rat smelled. I sent them the message and my suspicions were confirmed.

Nice try, though. The email even had all the Paypal graphics at the top and everything.

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