
NFL pumpkin carving patterns

I'm seeing an awful lot of people finding my blog looking for various NFL pumpkin carving patterns, largely thanks to the fact that I posted a couple of entries about pumpkin carving and NFL teams get regular mention here.

Here's the bad news:

All of the NFL team's emblems are copyright images. It would be an infringement of that copyright for any place to produce patterns without the permission of the NFL. And the NFL, apparently, aren't giving permission.

Spookmaster was trying, but the NFL refused. Still, his site does give one an idea of how the carved pumpkins might have looked.

It should be pointed out that pumpkin carving patterns are simply black-and-white pictures printed out onto a page. You cut out the black bits, lay it over the pumpkin and draw through the design.

So.. how hard can it be to make your own, no matter what you want to carve?

If you want to buy pumpkin carving patterns for your favourite NFL team, they are out there. Yankeehalloween.com has a couple, the Giants and the Patriots.

But, really, where else you gonna go? NFLShop.com has 15 teams. Redskins, Titans, Rams, Eagles, Jets, Giants, Vikings, Dolphins, Colts, Packers, Lions, Browns, Bears, Ravens, and Falcons.

And if they ain't there, they ain't anywhere.

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